
Monday, November 25, 2013

My 2nd Graze Snack Subscription Box + 1st & 5th Box Free Code

The Box: Graze
Price: $5.00/box($1 off with each person you sign up too!)
Box Options: Light(calorie conscious version) & Regular(usually filled with sweeter and more savory snacks)
Shipping Frequencies: However often as you like! Graze makes it easy to skip a week, two weeks, or even a month without any hassle. Just log into your account and cancel, pause/skip the amount of time you want. It is easy as pie and perfect for getting you snacks when you want them.

Graze is a little snack box company that send healthy and delicious snacks right to your door. What I love about Graze is that they let you choose when you want your boxes and how often. Not only do they let you choose when, you get to essentially choose what too! You rate/like/dislike the snacks you have gotten before and you can also scroll through all the snacks they currently house and choose dislike if you do not want to see certain ones in your box, or click like if you would prefer to see that certain snack in your box! AWESOME! RIGHT?!

This was my second snack box!
I forgot that I had this subscription on pause for a couple weeks and one day it showed up! I was like, WHOA, FOOD? YES! Since I had forgotten about it though, I still had my subscription set on the lighter option and did not edit any of my options, so sadly I ended up with a bunch that I was not interested in. At least the significant other of mine is not too picky. He ate most of these up and enjoyed them! 

D LOVES PISTACHIOS! So happy to get some!

We both dislike coconut :/ 
I went in and changed my settings after seeing this and saw that I had FIVE more invite codes. Graze required me, at the time I signed up, to become a subscriber only with a unique invite code. Luckily, I am in a subscription box group where we were starting a chain! So everyone who signed up passed their code to the next person in line. Eventually, it got to me(did not take too long) and then I passed my code along to the next person. I was happy to see that I had tons more invites. So, I guess they changed some things since I last got a box so that more and more people can subscribe to this amazing snack box :) GO GRAZE!

ALL their snacks come with the nutritional values on the card you're sent!
I love that the nutritional card comes in the box. Especially since so many people have allergies and count calories & all the other macros in their diets. Since receiving this box, I switched to the regular snack box and it should be on its way here in a couple days actually. Be sure to use my unique invite code here and you will get your first AND fifth snack box completely FREE!

* I was not compensated in any way for this review. These opinions are my own. Post may contain affiliate links*

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